Boost your e-commerce success with our expert Google Shopping Ads management! Joe and his experienced team of digital marketers will optimize your product feed, create compelling ad copy, and fine-tune bidding strategies to drive qualified traffic and increase sales. With customized strategies tailored to your unique business goals, transparent reporting to keep you informed, and cost-effective solutions that deliver maximum ROI, you can trust us to take your Google Shopping Ads to the next level. Don't miss out on potential sales - contact Joe today!
I've managed accounts for 18 years. 4x longer than the average agency. There is no substitute for experience.
Save with better performance (higher ROI) and lower management fees. You win twice!
Weekly reporting & status calls will ensure goals are met and any issues addressed in real time.
Google shopping Ads Review
Your account will be manually reviewed by me. No software & no cookie cutter templates.
I'll show you were your money is being wasted & what I would do to turn things around.
I'll break down what my strategy would be based on the data in your account. This will ensure the best ROI in the least amount of time.
It's important to have another pair of eyes review your account especially if performance is decline. I offer this service for free.
The pants store has brand recognition but struggled to generate sales at a good profit margin as clothing has a lower margin of profit. In order to improve performance I needed to;
➡️ Optimize their shopping feed to improve performance.
➡️ Created new supporting campaigns.
➡️ Paused products with a poor ROI & increased bids on products that had low impressions.
➡️ After a month of massive changes in the account results skyrocketed.
✅ The result were 15X return on ad spend with more than 1,500 conversions.
I'll set up your shopping feed and optimize it for optimal performance.
I'll ensure that your products are shown to the right audience.
I'll save you money by spending more on products that sell and $0 on products that do not.
Schedule a call now and I’ll audit your campaign for free!
Pink Orchid reached out after the December holiday season with very poor performance on their Google Ad Smart shopping campaigns.
After an audit of the account and some major account structuring we started to see and improvement in the number of sales immediately.
➡️ In December the online store received just 24 orders.
✅ In February the client saw more than 149 orders.
✅ March was the best month to date with more than 273 orders!
✅ The results from December to March was an increase of 1038% in orders.
Once the account was cleaned up and proper ongoing management took place the campaign was able to perform at its highest level.
I conducted an audit and created a solid strategy that included optimizations of the campaign, ads and landing pages. I also created a retargeting campaign to capture more sales at a lower cost.
This campaign was spending a lot of money with little results.
➡️ The CPA was very high and the ROI was poor.
➡️ The client had a handful of conversions per month with a CPA as high as $250.
➡️ I restructured the campaign, changed the bid strategy, improved the ad groups, wrote new ads, and calls to actions.
✅ In one month conversions shot up to 77 with a cost per conversion of $44.
✅ The campaign went from a negative ROAS to a
ROAS of over 500%. Which means; for every dollar they spent they were making more than five.
Biocide Systems was running a shopping campaign that was converting at $137 (red line) prior to hiring me. In order for the company to profit – conversions needed to be under $100.
➡️ I revamped the campaign by adding negative terms, branching out products, and improved positioning.
➡️ We then built out a keyword-driven text campaign to support our shopping efforts.
➡️ I was able to increase conversions while lowering the CPA. At the time of this case study, the cost per lead had dropped down to just
Tailored to the Right Customers
It’s also crucial to make sure that your items reach exactly those who are looking for them. This means search terms and product descriptions must be perfectly tailored to your customer base.
Better than any Google shopping management software, my human expertise, backed by years of experience, means I’m able to ensure that your ideal customers find what they’re looking for: your products, perfectly suited to their requirements.
Ad Re-marketing
Another crucial aspect of Google Shopping management: ad re-marketing. Dynamic re-marketing presents previous visitors to your online store with customized ads as they go to other websites.
This ensures that, after a visit to your store, each customer won’t forget your unique products. Customers are reminded of their desire to buy the product when it might otherwise have slipped their minds. Unsurprisingly, the result is dramatically increased sales overall.
Optimization of Budget Allocation
I can help gather data that allows us to let you know where your budget would be most effectively employed–the most profitable SKU segments as well as campaigns.
This includes keeping an eye on market shifts (due to factors like season, or fast-changing trends), and adjusting budget allocation accordingly. Over time, this strategy means you spend less to earn more: a win-win.
Setting up Google Shopping Feeds
If needed, I can establish entirely new feeds for you, or simply fine-tune and perfect your existing feed. My state-of-the-art data optimization strategies allow your sales to keep climbing so that your business grows to the next level.
If you’re ready to take your eCommerce business to the next level, schedule a call with this Google Shopping expert and learn more about my shopping management service.
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