Google Ads Case Studies

Google Ads Case Studies

Speak with Joe

Looking For A Google Ads Expert?

Below is just a very small sample of what I’ve done for clients over the years. If you have any questions or what to hire me us the "Contact Joe" button above.

MMA Evolution

A local Florida MMA gym wanted to drive more members to their business but was struggling with their Google ads performance.

➡️ In February leads were costing $60.

➡️ After just one-month conversion went up and the cost per conversion was now $56.

➡️ By month 3 the account had more conversions at the lowest cost.

✅ The result was a 125% increase in leads with a 46% decrease in the cost per lead.

A graph with blue and green bars on a white background
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The Pants Store

The pants store has brand recognition but struggled to generate sales at a good profit margin as clothing has a lower margin of profit. In order to improve performance I needed to;

➡️ Optimize their shopping feed to improve performance.

➡️ Created new supporting campaigns.

➡️ Paused products with a poor ROI & increased bids on products that had low impressions.

➡️ After a month of massive changes in the account results skyrocketed.

✅ The result was a 15X return on ad spend with more than 1,500 conversions on the month.

A graph showing a number of blue bars on a white background

America's Bath Company

➡️ The client was unable to generate consistent leads at a good ROI. The lead volume was low for this large company.

➡️ I rebuilt the account with new campaigns and ad groups. I focused on services they offered and used many of the advanced techniques I developed especially for contracting businesses.

➡️ I took over the campaign March and by April you can see (below) how the Cost Per Conversion decreased and the number of conversions increased.

➡️ In May I was able to fine tune the account further by reducing the advertising costs by $900 while generating the same amount of leads as I did in April.

✅ The client sent this email in June...

Great work! We generated over $81,000 in sales off of Google Ads in May, so with your fee, that translates to a 9X ROI!

A graph showing the number of deaths in each month.

Humble Sign Co

➡️ Humble Sign Co. was running campaigns for over a year with moderate success. The account was being managed internally and the owner wanted to get more out of what they were spending.

➡️ I created new campaigns, rebuilt others, created new ads, added negative terms and made a few advanced bidding adjustments.

➡️ I took over the campaign towards the end of September. You can see that the number of leads (in the short amount of time we managed it) was already at the highest levels it had ever seen when it came to the number of leads at the lowest cost.

✅ After a full month the campaign had seen a 55% reduction in advertising costs. While increasing leads by 158%. The CPA went from $265 to $45. A decrease of 83%

A graph with a lot of blue bars on a white background
I want to work with Joe!

Pro Power Washing Company

This small power washing business located in Florida was struggling to stay afloat. They were using an Google Ads manager who was not producing results for them.

➡️ The campaign had many broad terms and many unrelated terms. The settings were a mess and the ads were poorly written.

➡️ The budget was tight and it was too small to try and stretch it out across the different service types.

➡️ As you can see (dark blue bar in June) the client paid as much as $549 for a lead. 

✅ I took over the campaign in January focusing on the most profitable services first and was able to generate 18 leads with the small $50 a day budget.   

✅ In February I was able to generate 42 leads while slightly increasing the budget.

✅ In March we advertised all of the services provided by the company. The client saw 74 leads at a slightly higher CPA, but the quality lead was good and they were able to close the majority of the leads.

This  company is now receiving a steady stream of leads and is no longer struggling, but thriving!

A graph showing the performance trend of a company
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Pink Orchid

Pink Orchid reached out after the December holiday season with very poor performance on their Google Ad Smart shopping campaigns.

After an audit of the account and some major account structuring we started to see and improvement in the number of sales immediately.

➡️ In December the online store received just 24 orders.

✅ In February the client saw more than 149 orders.

✅ March was the best month to date with more than 273 orders!

✅ The results from December to March was an increase of 1038% in orders.

Once the account was cleaned up and proper ongoing management took place the campaign was able to perform at its highest level.

A graph showing the number of conversions in each month
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The Cochran Firm

The Cochran Firm hired me to work on their “Police brutality” campaign within Google Ads. The quality of leads were fair and the number of leads they were receiving was decent.

The goal was to lower the amount they were spending while attempting to keep the same amount of leads coming into the firm. Some of what I did to improve performance was...

➡️ The campaign had many broad terms and the search term report showed that not many negatives were implemented.

➡️ I cleared out the account, created new ads, added negative terms, increased bids on call extensions and continued to monitor the campaign and make adjustments.

✅ As you can see the client went from spending over $7,000 to just under $3,000 for about the same number of calls and leads.

✅ That’s more than a 62% decrease in spend.

✅ The leads were better and more qualified cases were delivered to the law firm.

A table with numbers and letters on it
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Shiny Prints

I conducted an audit and created a solid strategy that included optimizations of the campaign, ads and landing pages. I also created a retargeting campaign to capture more sales at a lower cost.

This campaign was spending a lot of money with little results.

➡️ The CPA was very high and the ROI was poor.

➡️ The client had a handful of conversions per month with a CPA as high as $250.

➡️ I restructured the campaign, changed the bid strategy, improved the ad groups, wrote new ads, and calls to actions.

✅ In one month conversions shot up to 77 with a cost per conversion of $44.

✅ The campaign went from a negative ROAS to a ROAS of over 500%. Which means; for every dollar they spent they were making more than five.

A graph on a computer screen shows a few lines going up and down.
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A-1 Auto Transportation

A-1 Auto Transportation reached out to me and asked if I could run a Bing ads campaign for them. Instead, I asked them about their current Google ads account.

They told me that their Google ads had reached its potential and there wasn’t any room for improvement. I debated that and requested to review their account.

I reviewed the campaign and saw that the campaign was actually not being maintained well and there was a huge opportunity for growth.

In one day, I took the campaign from an average of 23 leads per day to over 150! The first few days the CPA was higher than normal, but with a few additional adjustments the campaign is producing significantly more conversions at a slightly higher cost.

The cost per conversion went up from $9 to $10. However, well in line with the company’s target CPA of $12.

A graph showing the number of conversions on a website.
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A white background with a few lines on it

Hiring a large company doesn’t guarantee superior management. In many cases small companies are paid less attention to.

A white background with a few lines on it

Agencies have too many "cooks in the kitchen". Resulting in conflicting campaign strategies.

A black and white diagonal line on a white background.

You'll be given your own Slack channel and a direct line to your PPC manager - me!

Why Work With a Certified Google Ads Expert?

It’s not uncommon for large Pay Per Click companies to devote most of their time to their largest clients. I know this because I’ve worked for those same agencies.

Smaller clients tend to fall by the wayside. You need a specialist that will devote the time required to manage your account effectively and continue to improve it.

Since 2004 – I’ve improved and grown thousands of PPC accounts and I can take your account to the next level.

Modern Storage

The client wasn’t seeing many calls to their locations. They need to get calls ASAP or the business would be at risk of closing their doors.

The account faced many challenges. One of them being that locations were very close to each other and one location was getting all of the calls and business.

➡️ After conducting an audit of each of the locations, I then worked on customizing keywords based on each location and the amenities each location had.

✅ I had only a few weeks to produce results. I worked diligently to get these in order. As you can see in the graph below calls went from less than 20 calls a month to over 100.

✅ In less than a month I was able to cut the CPA down to $40 and increase the conversion rate to 12%. That’s the highest the campaign has ever had.

✅ In just a few weeks I had given them the most calls they ever had, with a low CPA at the highest conversion rate. Huge success!

A graph showing the number of people in a row.
A couple of graphs on a white background , one of which is a bar graph.
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Veteran Movers

Veterans Movers were bidding on many generic and broad terms within their existing campaign. The account lacked negative keywords and their ads had no calls to action. The CPC was high due to bidding on very broad terms such as “move”.

➡️ I researched their market, their competitors and leveraged their uniqueness. Employing veterans separated them from other moving companies and I used that in the ads.

➡️ I of course set up conversion and call tracking (on the site). I was careful with the key-terms and populated the account with negative terms in order to avoid irrelevant searches.

➡️ I continued to add negative keywords as we came across them to help improve the overall CPA.

✅ I was able to drive in 90 leads at a cost of $27 per lead with a conversion rate of 44.12%!

A table showing conversions cost and conv rate
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Biocide Systems

Biocide Systems was running a shopping campaign that was converting at $137 (red line) prior to hiring me. In order for the company to profit – conversions needed to be under $100. 

➡️ I revamped the campaign by adding negative terms, branching out products, and improved positioning. 

➡️ We then built out a keyword-driven text campaign to support our shopping efforts.

➡️ I was able to increase conversions while lowering the CPA. At the time of this case study, the cost per lead had dropped down to just $57!

A graph showing a blue line and a red line
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Just Yard Signs

The client had gone through many agencies and was not happy at all with the performance they had seen.

➡️ They were concerned about the bid strategy set in the campaign as well as the lack of ad groups that had been created. 

➡️ Many of the keywords were lumped together into one ad group and needed to be broken out.

➡️ The campaign was performing poorly and the cost per conversion was very high – much more than the average order value. I conducted an audit and determined that several factors were causing the high CPA.

➡️ Some of those were poor account structure, not enough negative terms, times of days, and days of the week that were converting too high and certain demographics converted better than others. 

✅ I made adjustments to these areas and others. The result was an increase in conversions (red line) at a much lower cost (blue line).

I lowered the CPA by 110% while increasing conversions by 102%! 

A graph showing a blue line going up and a red line going down.
I want to work with Joe!

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